Holidays / Feestdagen 2013 op SciTechTalk
1e Kerstdag, Woensdag 25 december 2013
SciTechTalk - Programma Overzicht | Datum: |
1e Kerstdag, Woensdag 25 december 2013 |
Tijdstip | Programma | Taal | Opmerkingen |
0:00 | The Story Of Silent Night, Holy Night - The World's Best Known Christmas Carol | English | Mahalia Jackson sings Silent Night, Holy Night |
0:40 | Different versions of Silent Night, Holy Night | - | Elvis Presley, Andre Rieu, Susan Boyle, Andrea Bocelli, Nana Mouskouri,Luis Miguel - Noche de Paz, Mireille Mathieu, Pavarotti,Carreras,Domingo and others |
1:00 | " | " | " |
1:30 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
2:00 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
2:30 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
3:00 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
3:30 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
4:00 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
4:30 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
5:00 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
5:30 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
6:00 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
6:30 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
7:00 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
7:30 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
8:00 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
8:30 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
8:45 | Charles Dickens Een Kerstlied in Proza (November 30, 2009) | Dutch | Een Kerstlied in Proza', door Charles Dickens, vertaald door J. Kuylmans. Gelezen door Bart de Leeuw. 'A Christmas Carol' is een Victoriaanse allegorie over een oude en verbitterde vrek, Ebenezer Scrooge, die in de nacht voor Kerstmis een aantal dromen heeft… This is the Dutch translation of the book: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. (Duur: 3 uur en 1 kwartier) |
9:30 | " | " | " |
10:00 | " | " | " |
10:30 | " | " | " |
11:00 | " | " | " |
11:30 | " | " | " |
12:00 | Paus - live vanuit Rome, Sint Pieter Plein | Dutch | - |
12:30 | Start van de Radio 2 Top 2000 | Dutch | De Radio 2 Top 2000 loopt van 25-12-2012 12:00u tot 31-12-2012 23:59 |
13:00 | Kerst toespraak van koning Willem-Alexander | Dutch |
Eerste Kersttoespraak van Willem/Alexander vanuit zijn woonhuis Eikenhorst |
.13:30 | SciTechTalk Talk 0033 - Psychologists say Scrooge's transformation in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens parallels real life-changing experiences | English | Bah, humbug! is the line most closely associated with Ebenezer Scrooge, the famous miser from "A Christmas Carol." But the authors of a new study on life-changing experiences give author Charles Dickens high marks for his portrayal of Scrooge's sudden switch to saintliness. (Duration: 10 minutes) |
13:40 | A Christmas Carol Story - a look at the many different versions | English | Lets take a look at the many different versions of the timeless classic "A Christmas Carol" (Duration: 50 minutes) |
14:30 | A Christmas Carol - by Charles Dickens - Dramatic reading | English | A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Narrated by Elizabeth Klett, and performed by a full cast. A Christmas Carol is a novella by English author Charles Dickens first published by Chapman & Hall on 17 December 1843. The story tells of sour and stingy Ebenezer Scrooge's ideological, ethical, and emotional transformation after the supernatural visitations of Jacob Marley and the Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present, and Yet to Come. Duration: 3 hours) |
15:00 | " | " | " |
15:30 | " | " | " |
16:00 | " | " | " |
16:30 | " | " | " |
17:30 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
18:00 | Told After Supper - by by Jerome K. Jerome | English | Read by Ruth Golding - It is Christmas Eve, and the narrator, his uncle and sundry other local characters are sitting round the fire drinking copious quantities of whisky punch and telling ghost stories until bedtime, when... But no, I won't spoil the fun. This is a little gem: Jerome at his tongue-in-cheek best. (Summary by Ruth Golding) - (Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes) |
18:30 | " | " | " |
19:00 | " | " | " |
19:15 | Poems for Christmas by the Radio Theatre Group | English | Poems and Music for Christmas |
19:30 | " | " | " |
20:00 | Frank Sinatra en Bing Crosby - Happy Holidays | English | Christmas TV Special 1957 (Duration: 26 minutes) |
20:30 | Kerstoptreden MZ4 Dongepark Theater | Dutch | Live registratie van 18 december 2009 (Duur 1 uur) |
21:00 | " | " | " |
21:30 | Trijntje Oosterhuis - This is the season | English | Duration: 28 minutes |
22:00 | Biels en Co - Kerst | Dutch | Biels en Co was een humoristische radiostrip rondom een bouwondernemer en zijn personeel, geschreven door Jan Moraal, uitgezonden op de Nederlandse publieke omroep door de AVRO in de jaren 1968-1973, met Ko van Dijk, Fiet en Frans Koster en Maté Verdaasdonk onder regie van Jo Vischer junior. Opgenomen in Theater Pepijn in Den Haag. De aflevering "Kerst" is oorspronkelijk uitgezonden op 8 augustus 1972. (Duur: 17 minuten) |
22:20 | The War Of The World by H.G. Wells - Original Broadcast from Oct 30, 1938 | English | First Broadcast 74 year ago on October 30, 1938 by The Mercury Theatre on the Air. When first broadcast, some listeners heard only a portion of the broadcast, and took it to be an actual news reports. Newspapers reported that panic ensued, people fleeing the area, others thinking they could smell poisonous gas or could see flashes of lightning in the distance. H.G. Wells' intro to his classic 1898 novel War of the Worlds: "The artificial aliens would be conscious entities that are vast, cool, and unsympathetic". Did the writer H.G. Wells already have a vision of a kind of technological singularity from outer space ..... ? (Duration: 60 minutes) |
23:00 | " | " | " |
23:20 | Non Stop Christmas Music | - | - |
23:59 | - |
First Christmas Day - Wednesday, December 25th, 2013
Second Christmas Day - Thursday, December 26th, 2013
Last day of this year - Tuesday, December 31st, 2013
First day of next year - Wednesday, January 1st, 2014
Constructed and maintained by Jan Bours.
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