Live video and/or Audio stream from SciTechTalk (YouTube LIVE STREAM)
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This is the website belonging to the Internet Talk Radio Station SciTechTalk,
where you can listen to spoken information about subjects from science and technology in the broadest sense.
On this Internet Radio station I will cover new subjects in these fields regularly.
You will be given the opportunity to react to the subjects covered,
e.g. by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
You are very welcome to give your questions, remarks, suggestions
for subjects to be covered and all other reactions on this email address !
You can listen to SciTechTalk most of the week (24 hours a day, 7 days a week in principle).
Program listings, news and interesting facts you can always find on this website of SciTechTalk.
Constructed and maintained by Jan Bours
© 2024
Dit is de website die hoort bij Internet Talk Radio Station SciTechTalk,
waarop u kunt luisteren naar gesproken informatie over onderwerpen uit wetenschap en techniek in de breedste zin van het woord.
Via dit Internet Radio station zal ik regelmatig nieuwe onderwerpen op die gebieden behandelen.
U zult in de gelegenheid worden gesteld om te reageren op de behandelde onderwerpen,
bijvoorbeeld via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
U wordt van harte uitgenodigd om op dat email adres uw vragen, opmerkingen,
suggesties voor te behandelen onderwerpen en alle overige reacties achter te laten !
U kunt naar SciTechTalk luisteren het grootste deel van de week (in principe 24 uur per dag, 7 dagen per week).
Programma overzicht, nieuws en wetenswaardigheden kunt u altijd vinden
op deze website van SciTechTalk.
Gemaakt en onderhouden door Jan Bours
© 2019
Scan one of these QR-Codes to get a listen-link for SciTechTalk talk radio:
UPDATED ON 25-10-2013
1 - SciTechTalk AAC+ stream, 96 kbps (Highest quality audio):
2 - SciTechTalk MP3 stream, 96 kbps:
3 - SciTechTalk MP3 stream, 24 kbps (for mobile users and users with small bandwidth):
We have 8 guests and no members online
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