I would very much appreciate your donation to SciTechTalk.
Please consider supporting past, current and future efforts of SciTechTalk.
These efforts are intended to bring you reliable, up-to-date and diverse information on scientific and technological subjects primarily by means of the broadcasts of SciTechTalk Internet talkradio (available online as a Shoutcast audiostream via the Internet). Also the content of this website ( contributes to that goal.
An example of a future effort I am planning to do:
I am planning to implement a (future) new service of SciTechTalk: the "SciTechTalk Science and technology questions answering service" ! It is intended for everybody who is struggling to find an answer to his/her question(s) on science and technology. If the question and the corresponding answer is considered interesting for a broader public (the listeners to SciTechTalk !), then I am willing to do the effort to investigate the problem and (hopefully) find the answer. And possibly this answer can then be shared with the world-wide-radio-audience of SciTechTalk Internet Talk Radio.
SciTechTalk Internet Talk radio is my not-for-profit radio-project. At the moment of this writing it is a pure hobby project of mine (grown out of its initial jacket you could say). It is my way of giving expression to my life-long passion and enthuasiasm for science and technology.
My personal contribution to SciTechTalk is:
- the creation and maintenance of the radiostation itself and the website associated with it;
- Continually taking care of new and fresh content of the broadcasts (talks, themes, documentaries, live events, interviews etc) and content of the website
- Keeping the hardware and software up and running
- Giving opportunities to listereners and website visitors to have an influence on the content of the broadcasts and the website (by means of a poll on the website and of course the good old email of scitechtalk: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and so on)
Your contribution can be:
- Giving me useful input on your wishes concerning desirable content
- Comments, advice, recommendations regarding the broadcasts and the website (please send these to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. !
- A donation via the Donate - button on this website. This will give me the opportunity to continu this service and work on and implement innovations !
- And keep listening of course .....
You can find the Donate button on the webpage under the menu "Donate" on this website
You can make a donation in a number of currencies, but preferably in EURO's !
Thank you in advance, for whatever useful contribution you want to give !
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