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Nieuwjaarsdag, 1 januari 2013

Holidays / Feestdagen 2012 op SciTechTalk

Nieuwjaarsdag, Dinsdag 1 januari 2013





SciTechTalk - Programma Overzicht Datum:


Dinsdag 1 januari 2013

Tijdstip Programma Taal Opmerkingen
0:00 Verwelkoming van het nieuwe jaar 2013 op zijn SciTechTalk's Dutch Einde 2012 en begin 2013 "ingeluid" door Live vuurwerkgeluiden uit Dongen, Noord-Brabant, Nederland, Europa, Aarde, Zonnestelsel, Melkweg, Heelal, Multi-versum, …. Etc. etc. ? Het eerste uur van 2013 wordt op SciTechTalk gevuld met live vuurwerk en typische Nieuwjaarsmuziek !
1:00 Start het Jaar 2013 lachend met SciTechTalk's Nieuwjaarsnacht Dutch Start het jaar lachend met een mix van sketches, cabaret en humor uit heden en verleden met o.a. Toon Hermans, Wim Kan, Wim Sonneveld, Van Kooten en de Bie, Andrë van Duin, Fons Jansen, Wim T. Schippers, Sjef van Oekel etc. etc.
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11:00 Nieuwjaarsconcert vanuit Wenen   Starttijdstip nog onzeker
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13:00 Middagprogramma nog nader in te vullen   O.a. een hitparade quiz gebaseerd op pophits uit de TOP 2000 van het jaar 2012, LIVE gespeeld met een luisteraar.
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19:00 SciTechTalk Theme 0010.2 - Stephen Wolfram - Computing a theory of everything English Stephen Wolfram, creator of Mathematica, talks about his quest to make all knowledge computational -- able to be searched, processed and manipulated. His new search engine, Wolfram Alpha, has no lesser goal than to model and explain the physics underlying the universe. Wolfram's first key idea was to use computer experiments to study the behavior of simple computer programs known as cellular automata. This allowed him to make a series of startling discoveries about the origins of complexity. Wolfram Research soon became a world leader in the software industry -- widely recognized for excellence in both technology and business. Building on his work from the mid-1980s, and now with Mathematica as a tool, Wolfram made a rapid succession of major new discoveries, which he described in his book, A New Kind of Science. Building on Mathematica, A New Kind of Science, and the success of Wolfram Research, Wolfram recently launched Wolfram|Alpha -- an ambitious, long-term project to make as much of the world's knowledge as possible computable, and accessible to everyone. "Whether or not Wolfram's revolution ultimately gives us the keys to the universe, his new science is absolutely awe-inspiring."  (Duration: 23 minutes and 51 sec)
19:30 SciTechTalk Theme 0010.3 - Garrett Lisi - A theory of everything - based on mathematical structure E8 English Physicist Garrett Lisi has proposed a new "theory of everything" -- a grand unified theory that explains all the elementary particles, as well as gravity. Working from principles of differential geometry, physicist Garrett Lisi is developing a new unified theory that purports to explain all the elementary particles, and gravity, in one elegant model. His theory is based on a mathematical shape called E8. With 248 symmetries, E8 is large, complex and beautiful -- and Lisi believes the relationships of its symmetries correspond to known particles and forces, including gravity. His work, explained in his paper "An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything", and in an ongoing discussion on on FQXi, is still on science's speculative fringe. But some physicists believe he could be pointing the way toward a truly unified theory. "This is an 'all or nothing' kind of theory -- meaning it's going to end up agreeing with and predicting damn near everything, or it's wrong. At this stage of development, it could go either way." Garrett Lisi says. (Duration: 23 minutes and 54 sec)
20:00 Hans Teeuwen Jazzt English Opgenomen op 21 juni 2007 in Club Panama in Amsterdam - duur 52 minuten
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21:00 Jamie Cullum live at Blenheim Palace English Registration of live performance on July 4th 2004 - Duration 1 hour and 40 minutes
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22:30 Legends of Jazz English 13 Live jazz performances by some of the biggest stars in Jazz - Duration 55 minutes and 44 sec
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23:30 Muzikaal de nacht in op SciTechTalk ………. - -
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First Christmas Day - Tuesday, December 25th, 2012   

Second Christmas Day - Wednesday, December 26th, 2012

Last day of this year - Monday, December 31st, 2012

First day of next year - Tuesday, January 1st, 2013




Constructed and maintained by Jan Bours.

© 2012




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